Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Which Beans To Choose For Cappuccino

How much do we really know about the coffee we drink every day? Where does the coffee used in our cappuccino machines come from? Next time you go into the kitchen to make a cappuccino take a look at the coffee packet and you might be surprised. The number of coffee producing coffees is growing rapidly, and the differences between the types of coffee according to their origin, can be astounding.
Coffee produced in Columbia is, of course, known worldwide. Although it is often used in mass produced supermarket coffees, there are a number of very fine Columbian grinds that should not be overlooked. One example is La Esperanza, grown at over six thousand feet in Tolima. Whilst the aroma of this particular coffee is likened to cherries, the taste contains an exquisite combination of chocolate and pipe tobacco tones.

Less well known are coffees from areas such as Hawaii. A particular favorite from this island is Kona, which comes in a variety of roasts from light to espresso. This particular coffee has a very low acidity which works beautifully with the powerful flavor of the dark espresso roast.
Continuing east on our coffee tour, we come to Africa, home to a number of superb coffee flavors. In Tanzania, should you be brave enough to attempt an ascent of Kilimanjaro, you would find the unusually shaped Peaberry coffee bean. The single oval bean results in a lighter coffee with a higher than average acidity. Ethiopia is another crucial part of Africa’s coffee history. A really unusual taste from the Yirgacheffe region mixes ginger and citrus peel to give an effect that is both sharp and chocolate like.
Our first taste of Asian coffee should probably be sampled in India. The coffee beans that result from the humid and rainy months of the Monsoon Malabar are swollen and golden in color, producing a distinctive flavor and aroma of apricots. Jumboor beans are another popular variety, which gives a raisin like flavor to the drink. A lighter alternative can be found in Indonesia, where a sweet and flowery drink is made from beans in the Lake Toba region of Sumatra.
Another unusual location for coffee production is Jamaica, where the Peaberry, closely related to the African single bean of the same name, is made into a rich, intense drink with a sweet acidity and a range of floral tones.
Take a little time to find out what it is you like about your coffee and explore the possibilities available from the many coffee producing countries. You may find a perfect African cup that satisfies in the morning, an American roast for your coffee break and an Asian delicacy to follow your evening meal.

By: Clinton Maxwell -
Focusing on latest developments in roasting, Clinton Maxwell is writing most often for www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com . His work on cappuccino machines are published on his site .

Human Speech Evolution

Among the abilities that humanity has developed, speech has played one of the most significant roles in cultivating culture, developing communication and understanding the world people move in. Though communication is not exclusive to humans, nor is it the most advanced and nor is it the most universal, no other specie has been able to manipulate speech to the level of utilization that people seemed to have developed it.
The evolution of a gene FOXP2 gene is closely studied in researches that are focusing the genetic roots of the development of speech. Though speech is essentially a social action, there are evidences that indicate that both genetic expression and evolution and positive selection are involved in the development of speech and other methods of communication. One of theories is the development of speech is in line with the socialization and the development of the neocortex. Among animals that have very socialized lives like those of primates and marine mammals, the neocortex is significantly more developed.
The significance of FOXP2 and the identification of other genes that have consequences to language development are still in its infancy and will need more detailed language mapping of the human brain and a control specie, such as that of a chimpanzee, before a clearer understanding can be achieved. Researches so far have concluded that FOXP2 is a stored up and may even exhibit intermittent dormancy. It exhibits almost no variation among humans but a variation in two amino acids is exhibited in the genes of chimpanzees and orangutans, another close relative of humans.As a transcription factor, FOXP2 emerges as a dominant mutant autosome in the heredity of the deficiency of motor skills that lead to dysfunctions in speech, communication or language.

By: Sharon White
The article was produced by the writer of masterpapers. Sharon White is a senior writer and writers consultant at buying essays. Get some useful tips for custom essays and order term papers .

Friday, December 7, 2007

Kumpulan Umpasa (3)

Nidanggunr ambaroba, ambaroba na so ro hona,
Bangko ni hita jolma, sai masiahut tu jolona

Molo so tampil tu parsoburan, ingkon siat do tu panggagatan,
Molo tangkas do partuturan, ingkon dohot do di parjambaran

Rande ampapaluan, porapora di silaen,
Raja do pangaluluan, na mora paulaean

Solot bulung hahombu, tu dangka ni arirang,
Salang na marpahompu, adong do I na sirang

Marluga sitindaon, mangan hoda si gapiton,
Tu jolo ni langkahon, tu pudi sinarihon

Sori manungkun, sori mandapot,
Matua manungkun ma na ro tu na nidapot

Sihampir gabe gambir, tandiang gabe toras,
Tu dia pe so tampil, tung tu ahu aha pe so bolas

Nirimpu do gugutna, hape saitna,
Nirimpu do burjuna, hape gaitna

Hotanghotang so dohonon, ansimun so bolaon,
Hatana so sidohonon, tongka do paboaboaon

Monday, December 3, 2007

Kumpulan Umpasa (2)

Tuat ma pandurung, nangkok ma parsoban;
Masidolosan pe tanggurung, tongka do masihaoran.

Hotang pinabebebebe, hotang pinapulospulos,
Ndang jadi iba mandele, ai godang do tudostudos.

Naung indahan, tongka do dudaon,
Naung ni oloan, tongka do juaon.

Unang girgir mambau, anggo so binoto do mambibiri,
Unang girgir iba marbaju, anggo so binoto d mamparabiti

Sinuan bagot, bagot marpilopilo,
Jotjot do naung pangidoan, gabe mangidoido

Bulung ni bulung do i, tu bulung ni hotang,
Ia tundal sarupa musu, hape dompak sarupa dongan

Mangkuling taguktaguk, diatas ni arirang,
Hunsus na baru saut, bau na baru sirang

Daling ni dalingkon, masuak hodong ni bagot,
Tading na tinadingkon, hape na nieahan pe so dapot


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Kumpulan Umpasa (1)

Bangunbangun sinuan, bangunbangun do salongan,
Molo na uli sinuan, laos na uli do jaloon.

Tangkas pe jabu suhat, tangkasan do jabu bona,
Tangkas ma hita maduma, laos tangkas ma nang mamora.

Binsar na mata ni ari, poltak mata ni bulan,
Sai horas ma angka lahilahi, sai horas nang angka parompuan.

Pir do pongki, bahulbahul pansalongan,
Pir ma tondi, sai ro ma pangomoan.

Marisap nama jo, manang beha hinatabona,
Marpingkir nama jo, manang beha pangalahona.
Pusuk ni tobu na poso, uramuram ni situma,
Sungkunon ma gogo tu na poso, ruhut adat tu natuatua.

Unang jolo siburinsak, asa porapora,
Unang jolo hona insak, asa pinauba roha



Salah satu unsur penting dalam budaya orang Batak adalah tentang Umpasa yang bertalian didalam setiap pelaksanaan adat baik dalam keadaan suka cita maupun dukacita. Namun didalam mengucapkan umpasa haruslah berhati hati dan memperhitungkan aspek aspek yang ada didalamnya agar tidak membuat salah interpretasi bagi objek yang disasar, sebab Umpasa itu merupakan rangkaian kata kata dalam ungkapan yang dikemas dalam bentuk pantun.

Niarit lili bahen pambaba
Jolo ni dilat bibir asa nidok hata

Di banyak pihak ada anggapan bahwa seseorang yang menyampaikan kata katanya tanpa disertai dengan umpasa rasanya pesan yang disampaikan terasa hambar, ibarat nasi tanpa garam. Sayangnya tidak semua orang yang dapat menguasai dan mempunya perbendahaan umpasa ini, hanya orang orang tertentu saja yang mempunyai kapasitas dan kemampuan menyampaikannya.

Kondisi ini yang memprihantinkan sekarang ini, dimana budaya orang Batak yang kaya dengan ungkapan itu hampir ditinggalkan terutama oleh generasi muda.

Padahal, leluhur kita menganjurkan :
Ompu raja dijolo, martungkot sialagundi,
Angka nauli tinonahon ni angka oppunta parjolo, siihuthonon ni ni hita na dipudi

Nah untuk itulah blog ini ingin mencoba untuk menggairahkan kembali minat kita, dengan harapan agar budaya Batak yang kita cintai ini dapat lestari.
Berkenaan dengan itu, dihimbau kepada seluruh pecinta budaya Batak agar meluangkan waktu untuk berpartisipasi untuk mengirimkan umpasa yang anda tau, demi pengayaan arsip umpasa diblog ini, sehingga pihak pihak yang ingin mengetahui terutama dengan orang muda dapat dengan mudah mengakses disini.

Sihingkit, sinalenggam
Sai ta pillit ma nadumenggan

Sahat sahat ni solu, sahat ma tu bontean
Sahat ma angka ngolu ngolu, marroanma pangidoan
